About Bilküm
Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technologies Cluster started its first studies in 2019 and was established as a cluster with the participation of companies operating in the field of Information Technology in the region and the support of the actors in the region. Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technologies Cluster does not have a legal personality and the realization and management of the activities are carried out under the leadership of Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Yönetici A.Ş. with the support of the decision-making bodies of the cluster.
Bilküm in Figures
a brief overview of all current facts and figures of Bilküm

number of member companies

personnel / employment

ongoing project

completed project

Consultancy Support for the Preparation of Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Information Technologies Cluster Strategy
The project named "Consultancy Support for the Preparation of Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Information Technology Clustering Strategy" prepared by the Kahramanmaraş Technology Transfer Office was deemed appropriate to be supported within the scope of the Technical Assistance Program of the Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency (DOĞAKA) in 2020 March-April Period.
Kahramanmaraş Teknokent (KÜSİ) Meeting
The Public-University-Industry Cooperation (KÜSİ) Meeting Program, which aims to provide interaction and cooperation between the public, universities and industrialists, is hosted by Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Yönetim A.Ş. in Teknokent Conference Hall. The opening speech of the program, which brought together representatives of institutions and organizations, academicians and business world, was made by KSU Rector Prof. Dr. Niyazi Can. Emphasizing the importance of public, industry and university cooperation and reminding that important steps have been taken in this regard in recent years, Rector Can said, “The cooperation of these 3 important elements of growth and development is essential for our country to reach the points it deserves. We should put aside the vicious discussions, provide the information sharing that is essential for the country and produce common products. ". Rector Can, who informed the participants about the work carried out within KSU, shared the data regarding the projects carried out and completed by the KSÜ University - Industry - Public Cooperation Development Application and Research Center (ÜSKİM), Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Yönetim A.Ş. Project Development and Coordination Unit with the participants. Hoping that the meeting will be productive, Rector Can said that they would like to produce products that will create added value by getting effective outputs. Kahramanmaras Industry and Technology Provincial Director Mehmet Uzun also made a speech and talked about Kahramanmaraş’s contribution to the economy Turkey. Providing information about the work and action plan of the provincial planning board within the scope of KUSI, Provincial Director Uzun made evaluations about the breakthroughs made in the field of technology and industry in recent years and the planned issues. Following the opening speeches, informative presentations were made by the experts of the Ministry of Industry and Technology General Directorate R&D Incentives. Mithat Kaya, who made a presentation on the Activities of the General Directorate of R&D Incentives and the Public-University-Industry Cooperation Portal (KÜSİP), said, "As the Ministry, we bring our partners closer to each other through KÜSİP; We aim to establish project partnership, consultancy, investment partnership, joint use of research infrastructures and similar collaborations” Orhun Melik Buran; gave information about "National R&D Statistics", "KÜSİ Ecosystem in Our Country", "Ministry of Industry and Technology KÜSİ Activities", "Evaluation of KÜSİ Activities in 2018 and Planning for 2019" and "KÜSİ Activities in Kahramanmaraş in 2019". Aynur Emre made a presentation titled "Laboratory and Research Infrastructures Portal (LABS)". Emre said that the LABS Portal was prepared in order for laboratories to cooperate with each other and private sector organizations in the context of R&D and innovation projects and to act jointly in the use of resources, in order to inventory the laboratories used in our country according to their test, device and personnel infrastructures, to keep them up-to-date and to be listed in the public search engine. Mehmet Bayram from the State Material Office (DMO) gave information about the "Techno Catalog" implemented by the DMO during the commercialization of high-tech products. Expressing that the Techno Catalog platform will add great value to KÜSİ, Bayram stated that it is aimed to include the products developed within the scope of KÜSİ in the DMO system within the framework of close cooperation, and that it will be possible to reach the DMO via the public portal with the studies and integrations to be carried out. The program ended with a group photo shoot after the Q&A session.
Teknopark Robot Competition (KSÜTEKNOROB)
In the 2nd International Kahramanmaraş Teknopark Robot Competition (KSÜTEKNOROB) which was organised by the cooperation of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (KSU) Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey Union of Municipalities and Kahramanmaras Teknokent Yönetici A. Ş. (Teknopark), 850 robots from 8 countries registered and 510 robots participated in the races this year. The opening speech of the 2nd International Kahramanmaraş Teknokent Robot Competition was made by Hayrettin Güngör, the Mayor of Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, between 4-5 May 2019 at the Indoor Sports Hall of KSÜ Avşar Campus. Stating that the activities organized by the universities have a very important place, Mayor Güngör underlined that it is necessary to spread these and similar activities and to progress effectively and progressively. Mayor Güngör drew attention to the importance of information technologies today and stated that the independence of countries that do not have information technologies is in danger by saying ‘Information technologies have a feature. Dependence on foreign sources seriously causes resource transfer in that country. software costs by 10 billion liras  paid out in today's Turkey. If you do not have technology, if you cannot manage technology and if you cannot access your own software, it also comes to a conclusion that threatens the independence of these countries. Here, such organizations and competitions offer the opportunity to develop each country's own local software and its own information technologies.’
the cornerstones of our cluster are our members with whom we walk together