Services Provided

Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technology Cluster is established under Kahramanmaraş Technopark and hosts IT companies and sectoral shareholders such as universities, research centers, governmental institutions (chamber of industry and commerce, NGOs, development agency, etc.) and potential customers in Kahramanmaraş Region (located in East Mediterranean of Turkey).

Main goal of Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technology Cluster is to increase innovation and production capacity of its members by providing value added services. Moreover, it also helps to connect the cluster ecosystem with collaboration partners in Europe and to access new markets outside Kahramanmaraş Region and abroad.

Details of services provided by Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technology Cluster are given below;

Internationalization Support and Access to New Markets

Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technology Cluster has close relations with Enterprise Europe Network Consortium (EEN EASTMED - located in Kahramanmaraş. The responsible organization is Kahramanmaraş Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Cluster asks to EEN responsible organization to access business partnership, technology partnership and research partnership opportunities via their special network. Also latest information on EU events, funds, trainings, info-days are gathered and shared with members.

Access to Technology Services, Facilities and Training Opportunities

Since Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Cluster is operated under Kahramanmaraş Technopark, it has organic relations with Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University ( Therefore cluster members have the opportunity to access research centers, labs and technology transfer office for their R&D, business and managerial related issues.

The conference room in Kahramanmaraş Technopark is also available for cluster members’ use and the management team provides trainings and info-days regularly about sector related issues.

Entrepreneurial Activities

Cluster management team gives great importance to entrepreneurial activities since it is one the major source of high qualified future members of the cluster. Because new enterprises are fragile due to lack of financial sources and experience, they need to be treated with special care. Therefore, cluster has pre-incubation and incubation centers to help new entrepreneurs and it also executes entrepreneurship programs to support students, fresh graduates and academicians to go in to business life.

Quantum Pre-Incubation Center and Micro Incubator facilities are operated by Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Cluster with the help of Kahramanmaraş Technopark. Moreover, another services for entrepreneurs is “TÜBİTAK BIGG Technopreneur Program” which provides financial support and training services to entrepreneurs who want to establish their own business.

Advisory Services to Cluster Members on Value-Added Services

Cluster management team has great knowledge and expertise in the field of R&D legislations, tax incentives, funding schemes, entrepreneurship and intellectual property rights. Members of the cluster can easily access to management team and ask their questions or apply for specialized services to get more qualified services. Management teams may also provide more detailed services to its members via already agreed third party organizations.

Supporting Collaboration Activities

Cluster management team puts great effort to foster the cluster to go in collaboration with various organizations such as universities, research centers, large companies located inside or outside of Kahramanmaraş region and public organizations. Also, Kahramanmaraş Technopark Information Technology Cluster prepares and executes projects funded by local, national or international organizations to increase collaboration potential of its members.

Information Dissemination and Representation of the Cluster

Information of latest sectoral news and events, new national and international funding programs, updates in related legislations, training and info days, part-time and/or internship opportunities are disseminated to members via member e-mail information database. Moreover, representation of the cluster in meetings held with public institutions such as chambers, NGOs, etc.